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Conference Paper Integrated Multi Mobile Object Scheme for Ubiquitous Sensor Network
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Sung Won Kim, Eun Ha Song, Dong Hwan Park, Hyeon Park, Sang Joon Park, Young Sik Jeong
Issue Date
International Symposium on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA) 2009, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
By Configuration of the sensor node that utilizes the wireless service in constructing the network and collecting the data, the USN has been researched on the technology to be utilized as the various services such as disaster alarm, healthcare and military defense. Since the low power plan for extending the lifetime of the battery is considered to be important for the USN, the various USN simulators that design and verify the efficient packets were developed. In this paper, to overcome the limitations of the existing simulators that is limited to the packet, protocol and network model verification, to propose the CROWD that includes the mobile objects. While the existing simulators had operated in the form of being dependent on the event of voluntary generating within the terminal node, the CROWD alters the positioning coordinates for the mobile objects to react to the sensor node and provide the similar environment with the actual USN. Furthermore, CROWD verifies the sensor detection rate by the deployment and the energy efficiency and sensor positioning method according to the measured lifetime of the overall sensor node and the packet transfer route. © 2009 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Energy Efficiency, Low-Power, Model Verification, Network model, Positioning method, Power plan, Sensor node, detection rate(DR), mobile object, packet transfer, ubiquitous sensor network