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Conference Paper Design Challenges and Decisions for a New Ship Data Network
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Ornulf Jan Rodseth, Morten Jagd Christensen, Kwangil Lee
Issue Date
International Symposium Information on Ships (ISIS) 2011, pp.1-21
Conference Paper
Ship operations have characteristics that in part have accelerated development of certain types of technology while hindering other developments. One example of the latter is tools for open integration of ship control systems. New developments in legislation have made it necessary to look closer at improved system integration tools such as data networks. This is part of the background for the new IEC 61162-450 standard on ship data networks that has recently been published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). This is an Ethernet based network specification with a relatively low level of protocol complexity, hence its nick-name "Light-Weight Ethernet" (LWE). LWE is a result of a trade-off between technology complexity and specific requirements from the ship equipment industry. This paper will look at where this standard fits in a typical integrated ship control system, some of the decisions that were made during the development of this standard and how these relate to some constraints of the ship equipment industry.
KSP Keywords
Control systems, Data network, International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC), Network specification, New developments, Ship equipment, Trade-off, design challenges, light-weight, low level, ship control