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Journal Article Dual-Band Horn Array Design using a Helical Exciter for Mobile Satellite Communication Terminals
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Young-Bae Jung, Soon-Young Eom
Issue Date
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, v.60, no.3, pp.1336-1342
Journal Article
Project Code
05MR2500, MoBISAT(Mobile Broadband Interactive Satellite Access Technology)Development, Lee Ho Jin
A horn array antenna is proposed for dual-band and dual-polarization operation. The array is optimally designed to be used as a feeder in mobile satellite terminals with a hybrid antenna (HA) structure, but it can be also used independently as a phased array. The array has an oval-shaped rim to maximize the efficiency of the HA, and is composed of 20 horn elements in a hexagonal structure. The element has a horn radiator with a conical helix, which is placed inside the horn and excited by two ports for TX and RX at both ends. Therefore, the antenna can be simultaneously operational in the Ka-band TX and K-band RX frequency bands, using a compact structure providing left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) for TX and right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) for RX. The fabricated array is connected with active channel modules having 20 channels each for TX and RX, and it was experimented on within a beam scanning range of -5째 to +5째 in the azimuth and elevation directions using phase control of the active channel module. The antenna has a minimum gain of 21.7 dBi over the TX band and 19.7 dBi over the RX band over the desired scan region. The maximum pointing error is about 0.32째 and the pointing loss is approximately 1.3 dB. In addition to meeting the above RF requirements, the antenna is designed to meet environmental specifications such as wind loads as required for mobile terminals. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Active channel, Array design, Dual-band, Dual-polarization, Horn array antenna, Hybrid antenna, K-band, Left-hand circular polarization(LHCP), Mobile satellite communication, Phase control, beam-scanning