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학술지 Seamless Lawful Interception Handover for 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
Cited 1 time in scopus Download 1 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
인호, 이명락, 김도훈, 김능회, 윤병식
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, v.5 no.7, pp.1329-1345
10MI2300, WiBro 네트워크 신뢰성 확보 및 위치 인지 기술 개발, 안지환
After the 9.11 terror attack, lawful Interception (LI) has emerged as an important tool for anti-terrorist activity. Law enforcement agents and administrative government bodies effectively monitor suspicious target users of permanent IP-based network devices by LI in Packet Data Networks (PDNs). However, it is difficult to perform LI in monitoring migrating users from a location to another, who change their IPs due to the proliferation of portable Internet devices enabling 3G IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS). The existing, manual handover technique in 3G IMS makes it even more difficult to continue the LI activities due to time-lag reissuance of LI authority warrants when the target users move to a new LI jurisdiction via a roaming service. Our proposed model is a seamless LI handover mechanism in 3G IMS to support mobility detection of the target users. The LI warrants are transferred to the new LI agent automatically with the target users when they move to a new LI jurisdiction. Thus, time-lag human intervention of reissuance of the LI warrants is removed and enables the LI authorities to continue monitoring. In the simulation of our proposed mechanism, the quality of lawful interception achieves a mean score of over 97.5% out of the possible 100% maximum score, whereas the quality of the existing mechanism has a mean score of 22.725%. © 2011 KSII.
KSP 제안 키워드
Handover mechanism, IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS), IP-based network, Lawful interception, Maximum score, Mobility Detection, Network devices, Proposed model, Target Users, Time-lag, human intervention