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Conference Paper Performance Analysis of Dynamic Resource Allocation for Interference Mitigation in Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial Systems
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Unhee Park, Hee Woo Kim, Dae Sub Oh, Dae-Ig Chang
Issue Date
International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST) 2015, pp.217-221
Conference Paper
Project Code
15MR4100, Development of High Reliable Communications and Security SW for Various Unmanned Vehicles, Ahn Jae Young
In this paper, we propose an efficient resource allocation scheme for an integrated satellite/terrestrial network. The proposed scheme is a frequency sharing technique to mitigate its inter-component interferences which can be generated between the satellite beam and terrestrial cells that are operated in the same frequency. The proposed dynamic resource allocation scheme can mitigate the total inter-component interference by optimizing the total transmission power, which can lead to an increase in capacity. In such a system, the interference situation can be different by the distributed traffic demands or up/down link communication environments. In this point of view, we evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme by analyzing the total consumed power as well as the amount of interference under the different traffic distributions and interference environments.
KSP Keywords
Allocation scheme, Dynamic Resource Allocation(DRA), Efficient resource allocation, Frequency sharing, Interference mitigation, Performance analysis, Satellite and terrestrial, Terrestrial network, consumed power, down link, resource allocation(RA)