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학술지 Magnetic Immunoassay Platform based on the Planar Frequency Mixing Magnetic Technique
Cited 23 time in scopus Download 16 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
김창범, 임을균, 신성웅, Hans Joachim Krause, 홍효봉
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, v.83, pp.293-299
16MS1400, 차세대 의료영상 이미징 시스템 개발, 홍효봉
We represent the experimental results of our planar-frequency mixing magnetic detection (p-FMMD) technique to obtain 2D superparamagnetic images for magnetic immunoassay purpose. The imaging of magnetic beads is based on the nonlinear magnetic characteristics inherent in superparamagnetic materials. The p-FMMD records the sum-frequency components originating from both a high and a low frequency magnetic field incident on the magnetically nonlinear nanoparticles. In this study, we apply the p-FMMD technique to 2D scanning imaging of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) in a microfluidic platform. Our p-FMMD system enables to acquire planar images of SPIONs filled in a microchannel as narrow as 30 μm in width. The minimum detectable amount is ~1.0×108 beads of 100 nm size. The system shows a spatial resolution enabling to distinguish between two distinct channels even 2 mm apart from each other. Our p-FMMD system as a magnetic immunoassaying system has permitted the detection of amyloid beta 42 (A棺42), a promising biomarker of Alzheimer's disease, at the minimum concentration of 23.8 pg/ml. This may enable the identification of the A棺42 levels for the early-stage of Alzheimer's disease with the assistance of the MPI using p-FMMD technique. The results show that the deployment of the p-FMMD can be an alternative to conventional biosensing analytical methods, and can be used as a fast and portable screening method.
KSP 제안 키워드
2 mm, 2D scanning, Alzheimer's Disease(AD), Amyloid beta, Analytical Method, Early stages, Frequency components, Low Frequency Magnetic Field, Magnetic beads(MBs), Magnetic characteristics, Magnetic field(MF)