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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 The Usefulness of Augmenting Reality on Vehicle Head-up Display
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김경호, 황윤숙
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2016 (AISC 484), v.484, pp.655-662
16ZC2100, 스마트자동차를 위한 첨단 디지털 Cockpit 시스템 개발, 김도현
Driving task requires cognitive processes to sense traffic environment, understand context and situation, and decide how to control vehicle. This cognitive workload is mainly caused by processing visual information acquired while driving. This visual cognitive workload is one of the key factors for driving safety with visual distraction. To reduce these visual workload and distraction, augmented reality technology is applied to head-up display (AR-HUD). However, AR-HUD can confuse driver by overlaying graphical object onto real traffic object, degrade driver performance, and as a result increase risk of accidence. To confirm whether the AR-HUD is useful enhancing driving safety or not, we conducted experiments on driver's cognitive response behavior under daytime and nighttime conditions. In this paper, we describe the AR-HUD system we have been developing and experiments and results.
KSP 제안 키워드
Augmented Reality technologies, Augmented reality(AR), Cognitive processes, Cognitive workload, Driver performance, Head-up Display, Key factor, Traffic environment, Visual distraction, Visual information, cognitive response