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Journal Article Analysis of V2V Broadcast Performance Limit for WAVE Communication Systems Using Two-Ray Path Loss Model
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Yoo-Seung Song, Hyun-Kyun Choi
Issue Date
ETRI Journal, v.39, no.2, pp.213-221
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
Journal Article
Project Code
16ZC1100, High Speed V-Link Communication Technology Development for Real Time Control of Autonomous Driving Vehicle , Hyun Seo Oh
The advent of wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE) technology has improved the intelligence of transportation systems and enabled generic traffic problems to be solved automatically. Based on the IEEE 802.11p standard for vehicle-to-anything (V2X) communications, WAVE provides wireless links with latencies less than 100 ms to vehicles operating at speeds up to 200 km/h. To date, most research has been based on field test results. In contrast, this paper presents a numerical analysis of the V2X broadcast throughput limit using a path loss model. First, the maximum throughput and minimum delay limit were obtained from the MAC frame format of IEEE 802.11p. Second, the packet error probability was derived for additive white Gaussian noise and fading channel conditions. Finally, the maximum throughput limit of the system was derived from the packet error rate using a two-ray path loss model for a typical highway topology. The throughput was analyzed for each data rate, which allowed the performance at the different data rates to be compared. The analysis method can be easily applied to different topologies by substituting an appropriate target path loss model.
KSP Keywords
Additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN), Analysis method, Communication system, Different Topologies, Field Test, Frame format, IEEE 802.11p standard, Numerical Analysis, Packet error probability, Packet error rate, Performance limits
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