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Journal Article Novel Packet Switching for Green IP Networks
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Seng-Kyoun Jo, Young-Min Kim, Hyun-Woo Lee, Jussi Kangasharju, Max Mulhauser
Issue Date
ETRI Journal, v.39, no.2, pp.275-283
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
Journal Article
A green technology for reducing energy consumption has become a critical factor in ICT industries. However, for the telecommunications sector in particular, most network elements are not usually optimized for power efficiency. Here, we propose a novel energy-efficient packet switching method for use in an IP network for reducing unnecessary energy consumption. As a green networking approach, we first classify the network nodes into either header or member nodes. The member nodes then put the routing-related module at layer 3 to sleep under the assumption that the layer in the OSI model can operate independently. The entire set of network nodes is then partitioned into clusters consisting of one header node and multiple member nodes. Then, only the header node in a cluster conducts IP routing and its member nodes conduct packet switching using a specially designed identifier, a tag. To investigate the impact of the proposed scheme, we conducted a number of simulations using well-known real network topologies and achieved a more energy- efficient performance than that achieved in previous studies.
KSP Keywords
Critical factors, Green Networking, Green technology, IP networks, IP routing, MOST Network, Network node, Network topology, OSI Model, Packet switching, Power Efficiency
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