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Conference Paper Design and Implementation of the Companion App. Service for Scene-based Product Advertisement
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Sang-Yun Lee, Jeong-Woo Son, Wonjoo PARK, Sun-Joong Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1097-1100
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HR2700, Development of smart broadcast service platform based on the watching situation using semantic cluster to construct an open-media ecosystem, Kim Sun-Joong
Recently, while a user watches a TV, he searches or browses a related information via smart devices. And watching a specific video clip instead of full video contents is a new pattern of consuming of a video. Therefore, the need for new services based on the scene has been increased. In this paper, we will propose the design of the companion app. service and the implementation result and develop the VOD Simulator that runs on Web browser. We will also propose the architecture of the companion app. service and the schema of broadcasting program database. and present the implementation result that can demonstrate that the companion app. service based on the 2-nd screen could provide much useful services.
KSP Keywords
Companion app, Scene based, Smart devices, Video clips, Video contents, Web browser, design and implementation, need for