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Conference Paper Channel Occupancy Time Influence on LTE and Wi-Fi Coexistence Performance
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Sungjin You, Seungkeun Park
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1003-1005
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HR1500, Development of Coexistence Technology and Analysis Tool for the Promotion of Free Band/Unlicensed Band, Seung Keun Park
The LTE system that traditionally uses the licensed band have added the new technology, licensed assisted access (LAA), that enables to use 5 GHz unlicensed band with existing licensed band. Coexistence with Wi-Fi is major part of the LAA technology and regulations relating to coexistence has been revised after LAA technology emerged in Europe. Channel occupancy time (COT) is a critical parameter that controls fairness and throughput performance. The optimal COT is not known because the performance of the network depends on the operation scenario. In this study, we evaluated the user perceived throughput (UPT) and delay using system level simulator on LAA coexistence scenario as a standard scenario. The simulation results show 112 % UPT gain at 10 ms COT comparing with 4 ms COT at LAA system and Wi-Fi has 32 % UPT gain at 10 ms COT comparing with 4 ms COT.
KSP Keywords
5 GHz, Channel occupancy time, Critical parameter, LAA system, LTE systems, Licensed Assisted Access(LAA), System Level Simulator, Throughput performance, Time influence, WI-Fi, coexistence scenario