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Conference Paper Security Consideration of Fuzzy Vault Based on Photoplethysmogram
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Juyoung Kim, Kwantae Cho, Sang Uk Shin
Issue Date
International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA) 2017, pp.1-7
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HS1600, Feasibility Study of Blue IT based on Human Body Research, Cho Il Yeon
Recently, various studies have been conducted on secret key generation and authentication using biosignals. PPG signals in biosignals are easy to measure, and signals generated from the inside of the body are difficult to leak. However, since the UWB radar can collect heart rate information, it is possible to measure the PPG signal remotely. Among the secret key sharing methods using PPG signals, the fuzzy vault method is vulnerable to correlation attack. Therefore, the predicted signal is generated using the Kalman filter of the leaked PPG signal, and unlock the vault using the generated predicted signal. In this paper, we generate a prediction signal from a PPG signal through a Kalman filter and use it to unlock the vault. Also discuss the considerations for using fuzzy vault safely.
KSP Keywords
Correlation attack, Fuzzy vault, Heart rate, PPG signal, Secret key generation, UWB Radar, kalman filter, secret key sharing, the body