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Conference Paper A Study on a Delay-Doppler Estimation Method in Fast Fading Channels of High-speed Mobile Vehicles
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Lee Woo Yong
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.1179-1181
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HF1300, Maximization of wireless communication efficiency based on compression sensing, non-power supply and super high-speed mobility, Lee Woo Yong
There is a need for new types of channel estimation and tracking at a time when demand for high-speed (1200 km/h) mobile vehicles such as hyperlinks is predicted. Applications, such as hyperlinks, will enable the continued growth of mobile services at a time when it demands a fundamental design paradigm for future mobile systems. It will also accommodate a wide range of service quality requirements for 5G and later systems. Such channel estimation and tracking techniques have traditionally been studied for a long time in the radar field. And the complementary pair of the Golay sequences have useful properties such that the sum of the aperiodic autocorrelation of the opposite phase becomes zero. The purpose of this paper is to optimize the characteristics of aperiodic autocorrelation with the merits of finite Heisenberg and complementary Golay sequences. A finite Heisenberg sequence is used for a fast algorithm for Doppler estimation, and a combination of complementary Golay sequences is proposed and analyzed to improve the accuracy of delay estimation. The main results of this paper are expected to be used as a theoretical foundation for the design of a new integrated framework for future mobile communication systems.
KSP Keywords
Aperiodic autocorrelation, Channel estimation(CE), Design paradigm, Estimation method, Golay sequences, High-speed mobile, Long Time, Mobile services, Mobile system, Opposite phase, Quality requirements