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Conference Paper A New Single Camera-based Ball Motion Analysis System for Virtual Sports
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Jong-Sung Kim, Myung-Gyu Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Video and Image Processing (ICVIP) 2017, pp.212-217
Conference Paper
In this paper, a new single camera-based ball motion analysis system is proposed for virtual sports. In the proposed system, a ball motion imaging process using a single camera combined with a multi-exposure trigger is used to capture a ball motion image without high-cost equipment. Then, a 2D ball motion analysis process using pixel labeling and circle fitting algorithms is used to obtain the 2D ball positions and size from that ball motion image. Finally, a new 3D ball motion analysis process is used to simultaneously estimate the 3D ball positions and velocity by solving new ball motion equations based on some 2D-3D perspective constraints on the ball positions and size. The performance of the proposed system was experimentally verified against a multiple camera-based system and a radar-based system within a virtual soccer platform. Experimental results show that the proposed system is highly effective and efficient for virtual sports.
KSP Keywords
2D-3D, Analysis Process, Imaging process, Motion analysis system, Motion equations, Pixel labeling, Virtual sports, ball motion analysis, based system, camera based, circle fitting