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Conference Paper The LXC-LXD Virtualization in ARM64bit X-Gene2 Server
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Jin-Suk Ma, Dong-Jae Kang, Hak-Young Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology (ICGHIT) 2018 (LNEE 502), pp.168-175
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HS4100, 클라우드 인프라를 위한 초절전형 고집적 마이크로 서버 시스템 기술개발, Kim Hag Young
The server system with low power and high efficiency ARM64bit cores is now accelerating the versatility of usages such as the low power utility, cloud computing and etc. But before the real advent using ARM64 SoC in server market, ARM64bit based server system has to satisfy the stringent operation prerequisite of the server operator. Various server virtualization techniques such as XEN, LXC-LXD, KVM-QEMU are applicable in ARM64 server with the help of world-wide developers as intel x86 based case. LXC-LXD is fully promoted by Cannonical Co. which can house the multiple applications in a single container instance differentiating the docker container. In this paper we dealt with LXC-LXD 2.0 virtualization in a real ARM64bit server reference board APM X-Gene2. The detailed process and linux kernel configuration are given in main part of this paper. Finally LXC-LXD is compared with XEN hypervisor in view of sysbench and STREAM benchmark.