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Conference Paper Motion Control Block Implementation for Driving Computing System
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MyungWook Park, Yongbon Koo, SungHoon Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp) 2018, pp.653-656
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HS1800, Development of Driving Computing System Supporting Real-time Sensor Fusion Processing for Self-Driving Car, Kim Sung Hoon
This paper presents motion control block implementation for driving computing system. The driving computing system provides recognition, decision making and control functions based on an integrated hardware platform for autonomous driving. The purpose of the driving computing system is autonomous driving in the urban environment, and various functions are required for this. The motion control block controls the behavior of the autonomous vehicle following the local path and target speed from motion planner in the driving computing system[1]. This block consists of a driving mode decision module, a lateral controller, a longitudinal controller and a driver intention decision module. For the autonomous driving in the urban environment, the lateral and longitudinal controllers of the motion control block are implemented and the driving mode can be switched by the driver operation. In order to verify the algorithm of motion control block, the experiment was conducted in the ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) the results were confirmed.