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Journal Article Handover Mechanism in NR for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications
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Hyun-Seo Park, Yuro Lee, Tae-Joong Kim, Byung-Chul Kim, Jae-Yong Lee
Issue Date
IEEE Network, v.32, no.2, pp.41-47
Journal Article
Project Code
17MF1600, Development of Ultra Low-Latency Radio Access Technologies for 5G URLLC Service, Tae Joong Kim
For many URLLC services, mobility is a key requirement together with latency and reliability. 3GPP has defined the target of MIT as 0 ms, and a general URLLC reliability requirement as 1 - 10-5 within a latency of 1 ms for 5G. In this article, we analyzed the impact of MIT and handover failure (HOF) rate on the reliability performance. From the analysis, at 120 km/h, with MIT of 0 ms, the required HOF rate to achieve 1 - 10-5 reliability is only 0.52 percent. Therefore, to achieve the reliability for URLLC, we need to minimize not only the MIT but also the HOF rate as close to zero as possible. Hence, we propose conditional make-before- break handover to target zero MIT and zero HOF rate simultaneously. The solution can achieve zero MIT by not releasing the connection to the source cell until the first or some downlink receptions from the target cell. It can achieve the zero HOF rate, by receiving an HO Command message when the radio link to the source cell is still stable, and by executing the handover when the connection to the target cell is preferable. Simulation results show that our proposed solution can achieve almost zero HOF rate even at 120 km/h.
KSP Keywords
Handover failure, Handover mechanism, Ultra-reliable low-latency communications, radio link, reliability performance, simulation results