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Journal Article A UAV-Aided Cluster Head Election Framework and Applying Such to Security-Driven Cluster Head Election Schemes: A Survey
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Gicheol Wang, Byoung-Sun Lee, Jae Young Ahn, Gihwan Cho
Issue Date
Security and Communication Networks, v.2018, pp.1-18
Journal Article
UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) are now drawing a lot of attention from academic and research fields as well as the general public. The UAS is expected to provide many promising applications such as intelligent transportation system, disaster management, search and rescue, public safety, smart delivery, wild species monitoring, and wireless service area extension. More specifically, as a part of the wireless service extension, we deal with the information dissemination and collection using a UAV in this paper. In this application, because the UAV communicates with each CH (Cluster Head) to collect data from sensor nodes or to disseminate information to the sensor nodes, well-behaved and qualified nodes should be elected as CHs and their integrity should be preserved. Even though a UAV makes the information dissemination and collection process efficient in a WSN, we can make the UAV help the election of new CHs to mitigate the threat of compromised CHs. To this aim, we first propose a UAV-aided CH election framework where a UAV delivers the critical information collected from sensors to the sink, and the sink reselects a set of well-behaved and qualified CHs considering the information. Then, we classify the existing security-driven CH election schemes into several categories and explain the principle of each category and its representative schemes. For each representative scheme, we also explain how to adapt it into the UAV-aided CH election framework. Next, we identify some desirable security properties that a CH election scheme should provide and reveal the security level that each representative scheme reaches for the desirable security properties. Next, we compare communication and computation overhead of the security-driven CH election schemes in terms of the big O notation. In conclusion, we reveal what we have learned from this survey work and provide a future work item.
KSP Keywords
Big O, Cluster Head(CH), Cluster head election, Critical information, Disaster management, Election scheme, Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS), Public safety, Search and rescue, Security level, Security properties
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