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Conference Paper Design of an LPWAN Communication Module Based on Secure Element for Smart Parking Application
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YongSung Jeon, Hong-Il Ju, Seungyong Yoon
Issue Date
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2018, pp.1-2
Conference Paper
Project Code
17HH6300, Development of LPWAN Security Technology based on Hardware Security Module for Secure IoT Devices, Jeon Yong-Sung
LPWAN is expected to be used in various IoT applications such as smart parking, environment monitoring, etc. This paper introduces a method of processing LoRaWAN protocol which is one of LPWAN using Secure Element. If important information such as keys are stored in a General purpose MCU which is used frequently by IoT device, keys can be easily leaked by hacking. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to safely store keys and to process LoRaWAN protocol more securely based on Secure Element. In this paper, security functions such as data encryption and message signing are handled by the Secure Element. Therefore, the keys required to perform these functions are also managed within the Secure Element. And, this paper also proposes efficient integrity verification method of the executable of the main MCU based on Secure Element.1
KSP Keywords
Communication module, Environment monitoring, IOT applications, Integrity verification, IoT Devices, Secure Element, Smart Parking, data encryption, verification method