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Conference Paper A Detailed Large-scale Radio Propagation Characteristics: Approaches with Time and Spatial Ratio
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Jinhyung Oh, Young Jun Chong
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT) 2018, pp.1060-1066
Conference Paper
The 3.5GHz band was determined as the mobile communication frequency in IMT-2020. Basically, TD-LTE in small cell environment and supplementary downlink in hotspot area will be used in 3.5GHz band. In addition, the frequency resources are becoming insufficient over time due to the explosive increase in the radio equipment. If we use frequency resources in a time and space based sharing manner, it is expected that we will be able to efficiently use the scarce frequency resources. According to recent trends, the channel sounder for the 3.5GHz band consists of a universal device such as NI equipment for baseband and transceiver and its own modules which are high power amplifier, RF switch, timing module and antenna. In this paper, we introduce the channel sounder and have verified various measurement parameters such as path loss, delay spread, K-factor and channel capacity for actual radio measurements through this channel sounder in urban and suburban areas in the 3.5GHz band. Additionally, we show the result of the path loss modelling with time and space rate using this system.
KSP Keywords
Channel Sounder, Channel capacity, Communication frequency, Delay spread, GHz band, High power amplifier(HPA), Measurement parameter, Over time, Propagation characteristics, RF switch, Radio propagation