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구분 SCI
연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 Comparison of Different SAR Limits in SAM Phantom for Mobile Phone Exposure
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이애경, 홍선의, Masao Taki, Kanako Wake, 최형도
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2018, pp.687-689
18HR1600, 스마트 사회 전자파 노출량 제어 기반 구축, 최형도
Commercial mobile phones are put into the market after the compliance test with respect to the peak spatial-average specific absorption rate (psSAR). Most European countries and Japan have adopted the psSAR limits of ICNIRP guidelines and the USA, Canada, and Korea follow those of IEEE Std C95.1-1999. The ICNIRP guidelines and the IEEE standard are different in the psSAR limits; the 2 W/kg, averaged over 10 g and the 1.6 W/kg, averaged over 1 g, respectively for mobile phone exposure. Although in 2005, the IEEE revised the psSAR limits based on the same biological rationale as the ICNIRP guidelines, the mentioned countries still maintain the previous limits. The SAR is dependent on many conditions including frequency and structure of a radiation source and the dielectric properties and morphology of biological tissues, etc. This paper analyzed numerically the 1 g and 10 g psSARs of total 13 mobile phone models representative of commercial models which have been released in Korean market since 2002. From the calculation results, the relation between the psSAR values averaged 1 g and 10 g is addressed at 835 MHz and 1850 MHz.
KSP 제안 키워드
Dielectric properties, ICNIRP guidelines, SAM phantom, biological tissues, mobile phone, radiation source, specific absorption rates(SAR)