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학술대회 A Study on the Implementation of Economic Zero Energy Building according to Korea’s Renewable Energy Support Policies and Energy Consumption Patterns
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신철호, 이석진, 김재영, 남홍순, 정연쾌
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2018, pp.1305-1309
18PH1600, 제로에너지타운 에너지클라우드 구현을 위한 융합기술 개발, 정연쾌
This paper is a study for the implementation of economic Zero Energy Building (ZEB) according to the renewable energy support policies introduced in Korea for the promotion of renewable energy supply. Korea's renewable energy support policies are classified into commercial generation policy and self-consumption policy. In order to select a renewable energy support policy, the energy consumption pattern of a building to be installed with renewable energy should be considered. In this paper, we apply Korea 's industrial electricity billing system and renewable energy support policies mainly to building using peak power during the daytime and building using peak power at night. and, We analyze the correlation between building energy consumption pattern and renewable energy support policies by calculating the renewable energy capacity needed to implement an economic ZEB.
KSP 제안 키워드
Building energy consumption, Consumption patterns, Peak power, Renewable energy supply, Renewable energy support, Self-Consumption, Support policy, billing system, energy capacity, renewable energy(RE), zero energy buildings(ZEB)