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Conference Paper Implementation of a Safety Analysis System of Mobile Servant Robots for ISO 13482
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Ji Sung Lee, Donghyung Kim, Myoungchan Roh, Bumsoo Seo
Issue Date
International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR) 2018, pp.1-3
Conference Paper
The safety of service robots coexisting with human is very important issue. In particular, the movement characteristics of mobile servant robots encompass a number of potential risk, such as collision, falling, and overturning with human and obstacles. It needs to be objectively assessed and verified for mobile robots. For this reason, International Organization for Standardization(ISO) 13482 standard issued in 2014. However, the standard does not provide specific assessment method. In this paper, we classified and developed various assessment method, taking into consideration possible risks from mobile servant robots. We also developed a safety analysis system for navigation safety of mobile servant robot. The system is separated to sensor system and analysis software. We performed a robot safety assessment by using developed method and the safety analysis system for robots.
KSP Keywords
Analysis software, Assessment method, International organization for standardization, Mobile robots, Movement characteristics, Potential risk, Robot safety, Safety analysis, Sensor system, Service robots, analysis system