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Conference Paper Noise-filtering Method for Large-scale Holographic 3D Display
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Hyun-Eui Kim, Jeho Nam, Keehoon Hong, Jinwoong Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) 2018, pp.36-40
Conference Paper
In a digital holographic display, it is not desirable to observe the conjugate image and zeroth-order diffracted light in the reconstructed image. To remove noise, various methods have been proposed to limit the noise bandwidth in the Fraunhofer region using optics. In general, a 4-F relay optic-based noise-filtering system is used in these noise-filtering methods. However, in the case of a holographic display configuration, where a conventional 4-F relay optics-based noise-filtering optical system is applied, the optical performance at a critical level is required because the diffraction angle and display area become larger. Here, we propose parallel noise filtering as a new method to remove the optical noise in a holographic display. The proposed parallel noise-filtering method can be achieved by applying a new noise-filtering optical system based on 2-F relay optics. The proposed technique significantly reduces the burden on the holographic display optics configuration and dramatically reduces the optical path to enable a holographic display with a commercially available form factor.
KSP Keywords
3D display, Critical level, Diffracted light, Filtering method, Filtering system, Form factor, Noise bandwidth, Noise filtering, Optical path, holographic display, large-scale