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Conference Paper Mute the Phone While Driving? Preliminary User Study on the Need for a Smartphone Driver Mode
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HyeonJung Park, Hyunhak Kim, JeongGil Ko
Issue Date
International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) 2018, pp.211-214
Conference Paper
Project Code
18HH2900, Development of Self-learnable common IoT SW engine, Park Dong-Hwan
Several recent mobile operating systems allow users to configure the smartphone into a ?쐂riving mode??. This mode suppresses the smartphone's incoming SMS/call notifications so that it does not distract driving activities. However, currently available driving mode implementations keep all notifications from being delivered, which decreases its practical usability. We identify this as a problem and perform a survey on the preference of drivers on incoming smartphone notifications when driving. Specifically, we ask 74 survey participants on the need for a smartphone driving mode and also the need to differentiate incoming call/SMS contacts when the driving mode operates. Our results show that the need for a designated driving mode scored on average 4.3 on a 0-6 scale. When asked what criteria would be ideal for differentiating the contacts for notification prioritization, ~59% chose the communication frequency with the contact as the main criteria. Overall, our results suggests for a careful design when implementing smartphone driving mode for incoming notification control.
KSP Keywords
Communication frequency, Main Criteria, Smartphone Notifications, User study, driving mode, mobile operating system, need for, practical usability