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Conference Paper Ultralow Power Wireless-Fire-Alarm-System using a VO2-Based Metal-Insulator-Transition Device
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Jimin Son, Sungwoo Jo, Sun-Kyu Jung, Hyun-Tak Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON) 2019, pp.1-2
Conference Paper
Low power consumption is important for a battery powered IoT fire alarm system. "Wireless Metal Insulator Transition (MIT) Fire Alarm System" can dramatically lower power consumption by using a Critical Temperature Switch (CTS) as a sensing device. The CTS, playing a key role in fire detection module, is a heat sensor made of Vanadium dioxide (VO2). When the CTS has high resistance in room temperature, a Microcontroller Unit (MCU) maintains shutdown mode. In the shutdown mode, the MCU doesn't work with any of its other function including an Analog Digital Convertor and only the CTS works to monitor. As the CTS changes into low resistance in case of fire breakout, the CTS operates the MCU to make an alarm and wireless communication. Bluetooth Low Energy beacons are also applied to wireless communication module and can be monitored by supervisor from the web server. In conclusion, the CTS controls the MCU to activate only when it need to make a fire alarm and wireless communication. For this reason, the standby power consumption can be minimized.
KSP Keywords
Critical temperature, Fire alarm system, Fire breakout, Fire detection, High resistance, Key role, Low resistance, Lower power, Room-temperature, Sensing device, Ultralow power(ULP)