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학술대회 RC PUF: A Low-Cost and an Easy-to-Design PUF for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
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이상재, 오미경, 강유성, 최두호
World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA) 2019 (LNCS 11897), pp.275-285
19HH3600, (총괄+1세부) IoT 디바이스 자율 신뢰보장 기술 및 글로벌 표준기반 IoT 통합보안 오픈 플랫폼 기술개발, 강유성
A physically unclonable function (PUF) is a security primitive that can generate device-specific cryptographic information by extracting the features of hardware uncertainty. Despite the advantages of PUFs introduced over the past decade, the majority of them have to be implemented on a separate chip or embedded as a part of a chip, making it difficult to use them in low-cost IoT devices. To increase the usability of PUFs in IoT devices, we propose a novel resistor-capacitor (RC) PUF that can be configured at low cost. The main feature of this RC-based PUF is that it extracts the small difference caused by charging and discharging of RC circuits and uses it as a response. Experimental results show that the proposed RC PUF has more than 49% uniqueness while maintaining over 98% reliability. It also reveals less than 1% stability at 10% voltage changes from 3.3혻V to 3.0혻V, representing very robust characteristics against voltage variations. For temperature changes from ?닋30혻°C to 70째, the stability is maintained below 4%.
KSP 제안 키워드
IoT Devices, Low-cost IoT, RC circuit, Resource-constrained, Temperature change, charging and discharging, physical unclonable function(PUF), security primitive, voltage variation