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Conference Paper Performance Analysis of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Aloha for LEO Satellite based IoT Service
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Pansoo Kim, Sooyeob Jung, Dong-hyun Jung, Joon-Gyu Ryu, Deock-Gil Oh
Issue Date
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2019 (Fall), pp.1-5
Conference Paper
Project Code
19PR1300, Satellite Based IoT System Implementaion, Ryu Joon Gyu
In this paper, we analyze the performance impact when the direct sequence spread spectrum aloha scheme in LEO satellite channel for global IoT service is applied. It is expected that satellite communication can play a significant role for mMTC item, the one of 5G representative service models in terms of service coverage extension. Moreover, the usability of hybrid satellite-terrestrial user terminal (or user equipment) with limited power emission capability can be considered in case of the scenario of direct connectivity to LEO satellite where terrestrial signal is not reached. In this paper, we applied the Ingenu-like waveform based on IEEE 802.15.4k standard to LEO satellite channel which has been deployed in unlicensed ISM 2.4GHz and the main elements related with throughput performance are presented.
KSP Keywords
Direct-sequence(DS), Direct-sequence spread-spectrum(DSSS), IEEE 802.15.4k, IoT services, LEO satellite, Performance analysis, Performance impact, Satellite channel, Service Model, Terms of service, Throughput performance