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Conference Paper A Study on Discriminating Risky Driving using the Psychological Characteristics and Attitudes for Providing a Personalized Driving Environment
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Yoonsook Hwang, Dohyun Kim, Byongtae Jang, Hyun Kyun Choi
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1431-1433
Conference Paper
This was conducted for discriminating the risky driving of drivers based on their psychological characteristics and attitudes. For this, we used a structured questionnaire battery composed of Driving Behavior Determinants Questionnaire (consists of Problem Evading, Benefits/Sensation Seeking, Anti-personal Anxiety, Anti-personal Angry, and Aggression), Reckless Driving Behavior Questionnaire (consists of Speeding, Inexperienced Coping, Wild Driving, Drunken Driving, and Distraction), and Drivers' Demographic Questionnaire to collect the data of drivers. To accomplish the purpose, cluster and discriminant analysis were used to determine whether the risky driving behaviors of drivers could be discriminated based on their psychological characteristics and attitudes. This study found that there is a difference in the psychological characteristics and attitudes of drivers which discriminated by types of risky driving behaviors. This means that it could contribute to an attempt to resolve the frequent risky driving behaviors by specific driver considering not only the traffic situation that externally exposed but also the factors that fundamentally cause it. Furthermore, we expect that personalized service for driver in the vehicle environment could be more sophisticated with a study of this topic.
KSP Keywords
Driving behavior questionnaire, Personalized service, Reckless driving, Risky driving, Sensation seeking, Vehicle Environment, discriminant analysis, driving environment, traffic situation