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Conference Paper Deep Learning based Moving Object Detection using Portable Camera
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Jaemin Cho, Sangseung Kang, Kye Kyung Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR) 2019, pp.1-2
Conference Paper
Workers at factories or construction sites are exposed to many risks. Especially, there is an increasing tendency to occur due to collision with an internal moving means such as a forklift. There are many efforts such as attaching a sensor and a camera to a moving means, but many accidents still occur. In this paper we propose a method to prevent such accidents. First, we attach a sensor to a forklift to detect a moving object, and use a deep learning based detector to detect nearby objects from the camera output. Then, anomaly detection algorithm is used to detect a moving object even if the camera moves, and the distance between the moving object and the forklift detected through parallel distance estimation is estimated. These two results are used to calculate the risk, and when a moving object arrives within a certain range of the vehicle, the controller informs the driver of the danger signal and controls it in an emergency.
KSP Keywords
Anomaly detection algorithm, Moving Object Detection, construction site, deep learning(DL), distance estimation, nearby objects, portable camera