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학술대회 Packet Loss Probability Optimization in Distributed Antenna System for Downlink Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications
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박재현, 홍준표, 신우람, 김석기
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2019, pp.1277-1279
19HH1900, 셀룰러 기반 산업 자동화 시스템 구축을 위한 5G 성능 한계 극복 저지연, 고신뢰, 초연결 통합 핵심기술 개발, 김태중
In this paper, we present the optimization of the packet loss probability in distributed antenna system (DAS) to enable the downlink ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (DL URLLC) for the industrial IoT. To satisfy the low-latency, the short packet length is exploited and accordingly, the achievable rate under the finite blocklength codes is considered in the analysis of the packet loss probability of DAS for DL URLLC. Specifically, the packet loss probability is approximated as the sum of the channel outage probability (OP) and the finite blocklength coding error probability. Note that the channel OP is a function of the coding error probability due to short packet length. Accordingly, when the sensor nodes and the DA ports are randomly distributed in a given area, we optimize the short blocklength coding error probability to minimize the overall packet loss probability.
KSP 제안 키워드
Achievable rate, Outage probability(OP), Packet length, Packet loss probability, Sensor node, Ultra-reliable low-latency communications, channel outage, distributed antenna systems(DAS), error probability, finite blocklength, industrial IoT