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Journal Article Efficiency Improvement of a DC/DC Converter using LTCC Substrate
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Dong Yun Jung, Hyun Gyu Jang, Minki Kim, Junbo Park, Chi?Hoon Jun, Jong Moon Park, Sang Choon Ko
Issue Date
ETRI Journal, v.41, no.6, pp.811-819
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
Journal Article
We propose a substrate with high thermal conductivity, manufactured by the low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) multilayer circuit process technology, as a new DC/DC converter platform for power electronics applications. We compare the reliability and power conversion efficiency of a converter using the LTCC substrate with the one using a conventional printed circuit board (PCB) substrate, to demonstrate the superior characteristics of the LTCC substrates. The power conversion efficiencies of the LTCC- and PCB-based synchronous buck converters are 95.5% and 94.5%, respectively, while those of nonsynchronous buck converters are 92.5% and 91.3%, respectively, at an output power of 100혻W. To verify the reliability of the LTCC-based converter, two types of tests were conducted. Storage temperature tests were conducted at ?닋20혻°C and 85혻°C for 100혻h each. The variation in efficiency after the tests was less than 0.3%. A working temperature test was conducted for 60혻min, and the temperature of the converter was saturated at 58.2 °C without a decrease in efficiency. These results demonstrate the applicability of LTCC as a substrate for power conversion systems.
KSP Keywords
Conversion efficiency(C.E.), DC-DC Converters, LTCC substrate, Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic(LTCC), Low temperature(LT), Output power, Power Electronics, Storage temperature, Synchronous Buck, Temperature test, Working temperature
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