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학술대회 Dynamic Speckle Analysis at Low Contrast of Recorded Patterns
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Elena Stoykova, Dimana Nazarova, 오관정, 박중기
Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC) 2019, pp.1-7
19HR3700, [전문연구실] 홀로그램 영상 서비스를 위한 Holo-TV 핵심 기술 개발, 박중기
Dynamic speckle analysis is a highly sensitive approach for monitoring speed of processes, which cause change in micro-topography of the surface of 3D objects. The raw data are speckle patterns formed on the surface under laser light illumination. Statistical pointwise processing of correlated in time speckle patterns yields a 2D map of the ongoing activity, that shows regions of faster or slower fluctuations of laser light intensity. The map is a distribution of a given estimate, which is contaminated by signal-dependent noise due to averaging over a finite number of speckle patterns. For this reason, efficiency of processing is frequently addressed topic. This paper studies the impact of the speckle contrast on quality of the activity map characterized by the spread of the probability density function of the activity estimate. It has been shown by simulation and experiment that retrieval of different activity regions is effective at low contrast of the speckle patterns.
KSP 제안 키워드
2d map, 3D object, Activity map, Dynamic speckle, Highly sensitive, Laser light, Micro-topography, Probability Density Function, Signal-dependent noise, Simulation and experiment, Speckle contrast