Journal Article
JPEG Pleno: Standardizing a Coding Framework and Tools for Plenoptic Imaging Modalities
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Pekka Astola, Luis A. da Silva Cruz, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Touradj Ebrahimi, Pedro Garcia Freitas, Antonin Gilles, Kwan-Jung Oh, Carla Pagliari, Fernando Pereira, Cristian Perra, Stuart Perry, Antonio M. G. Pinheiro, Peter Schelkens, Ismael Seidel, Ioan Tabus
Issue Date
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, v.3, no.1, pp.85-99
International Telecommunication Union
Journal Article
JPEG Pleno is an upcoming standard from the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (JPEG) Committee. It aims to provide a standard framework for coding new imaging modalities derived from representations inspired by the plenoptic function. The image modalities addressed by the current standardization activities are light field, holography, and point clouds, where these image modalities describe different sampled representations of the plenoptic function. The applications that may benefit from these emerging image modalities range from supporting varying capture platforms, interactive content viewing, cultural environments exploration and medical imaging to more immersive browsing with novel special effects and more realistic images. These use cases come with a set of requirements addressed by the JPEG Pleno standard. Main requirements envision high compression efficiency, random access, scalability, error-resilience, low complexity, and metadata support. This paper presents a synopsis of the status of the standardization process and provides technical insights as well as the latest performance evaluation results.
KSP Keywords
Error Resilience(ER), High compression, Interactive Content, Medical Imaging, Performance evaluation, Plenoptic Imaging, Plenoptic function, Point clouds, Random Access, Special effects, Use Cases
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