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학술대회 Personalized Instrument Cluster for Car-sharing Service: Like my car
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권영진, 김경호, 김도현
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020, pp.1717-1719
20ZS1200, 인간중심의 자율지능시스템 원천기술연구, 김도현
Car-sharing service users range from novice drivers to experienced drivers. This means that even if the vehicle environment changes according to the driving experience, there were groups that recognized vehicle information skillfully and could driven situations, while there were driver groups who need time to adapt to the changed vehicle environment. We conducted studies on providing personalized service to the vehicle instrument cluster according to the characteristics of the driver. This paper provides a platform that could help safe driving, considering the characteristics of drivers using shared vehicle services. The proposed platform was to provide a familiar user interface and user experience based on the driving experience of each driver using the car-sharing services. Therefore, we defined the expression requirements in four steps to provide a familiar vehicle environment. In this paper, we introduced a system architecture to familiarize the unfamiliar vehicle environment of shared vehicles.
KSP 제안 키워드
Car-sharing, Driving experience, Instrument cluster, Novice drivers, Personalized service, Safe driving, Service users, System architecture, User interface, Vehicle Environment, shared vehicle