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Journal Article E‐band low‐noise amplifier MMIC with impedance‐controllable filter using SiGe 130‐nm BiCMOS technology
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Woojin Chang, Jong-Min Lee, Seong-Il Kim, Sang-Heung Lee, Dong Min Kang
Issue Date
ETRI Journal, v.42, no.5, pp.781-789
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
Journal Article
In this study, an E-band low-noise amplifier (LNA) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) has been designed using silicon-germanium 130-nm bipolar complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology to suppress unwanted signal gain outside operating frequencies and improve the signal gain and noise figures at operating frequencies. The proposed impedance-controllable filter has series (Rs) and parallel (Rp) resistors instead of a conventional inductor-capacitor (L-C) filter without any resistor in an interstage matching circuit. Using the impedance-controllable filter instead of the conventional L-C filter, the unwanted high signal gains of the designed E-band LNA at frequencies of 54혻GHz to 57혻GHz are suppressed by 8혻dB to 12혻dB from 24혻dB to 26혻dB to 12혻dB to 18혻dB. The small-signal gain S21 at the operating frequencies of 70혻GHz to 95혻GHz are only decreased by 1.4혻dB to 2.4혻dB from 21.6혻dB to 25.4혻dB to 19.2혻dB to 24.0혻dB. The fabricated E-band LNA MMIC with the proposed filter has a measured S21 of 16혻dB to 21혻dB, input matching (S11) of ??14혻dB to ??5혻dB, and output matching (S22) of ??19혻dB to ??4혻dB at E-band operating frequencies of 70혻GHz to 95혻GHz.
KSP Keywords
BiCMOS Technology, Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS), E-band, High signal, Input matching, Metal-oxide(MOX), Microwave monolithic integrated circuits(MMIC), Semiconductor technology, Silicon-germanium(SiGe), Small signal gain, low noise amplifier(LNA)
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