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학술대회 Adaptive Power Quality Monitoring Data Aggregation Method in the Shipyard Environment
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정우성, 윤태현, 유대승
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2021, pp.1310-1315
21HS4900, 5G 기반 조선해양 스마트 통신 플랫폼 및 융합서비스 개발, 유대승
Wi-SUN (Wireless Smart Utility Network) is considered as one of the main communication technology for stable PQM (power quality monitoring) in the industrial filed. In particular, as a method for power companies to build an AMI (advanced metering infrastructure), it is gradually spreading from wired PLC (Power Line Communication) to Wi-SUN. With the spread of smart factories, the number of power monitoring devices has increased, and various wireless communication methods are being considered. However, in a special environment where there are many steel structures such as shipyard, there are restrictions in using various wireless communications. To solve this problem, we propose an adaptive power quality monitoring data aggregation (APQM-DA) algorithm that changes the amount of PQM information generated in the limited Wi-SUN communication environment according to the monitoring situation. We also analyzes its performance via the simulation using real data sets.
KSP 제안 키워드
Adaptive power, Communication Environment, Data sets, Monitoring data, Monitoring device, Power Quality(PQ), Power Quality Monitoring(PQM), Power monitoring, Powerline communication, Real data, Smart Factory