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학술대회 Miniature AR: Multi-view 6DOF Virtual Object Visualization for a Miniature Diorama
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정성욱, 박상헌, 조현우, 박찬호
Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2021, pp.1-3
21HH8100, 실·가상 환경 해석 기반 적응형 인터랙션 기술 개발, 정성욱
We describe a miniature diorama AR system called ?쁌iniature AR?? which can be applied to a mechanical diorama to extend the content's feasibility by overlapping virtual objects on the complex diorama structure. The previous AR researches for the diorama are usually based on 2D planar recognition, and multiple user experience cannot be considered due to multi-devices synchronization. To overcome these constraints, in this paper, we show a new diorama AR system suitable for a tiny complex structure. The contributions of our work are i) design of the diorama AR system, ii) AR space generation and 6DOF view device tracking for diorama, iii) multiple view and event synchronization for multiple users. The utility of the approach has been demonstrated under a real diorama environment (miniature of a ski slope) using mobile devices.
KSP 제안 키워드
Complex structure, Device tracking, Event synchronization, Mobile devices, Multi-view, Multiple views, Object visualization, multiple users, user experience, virtual objects