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논문 검색
구분 SCI
연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 An Advanced Open Data Platform for Integrated Support of Data Management, Distribution, and Analysis
Cited 3 time in scopus Download 13 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
원희선, 차우, 길명선, 문양세
International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 2021, pp.1-5
21HB1800, 데이터맵 기반 지능형 빅데이터 탐색·활용 핵심 기술 개발 , 원희선
With the growing applications of big data and artificial intelligence, the quality of the service is an outcome of the quality of the data. Nevertheless, there is still a significant lack of data that has practical application value. To solve these problems, we propose SODAS (Smart Open Data As a Service) as a novel open data platform for efficient data sharing and utilization. We first analyze the major problems in the legacy CKAN and then draw up their solutions through core strategies. We next define four components and nine function blocks of SODAS for each core strategy. As a result, SODAS drives Open Data Portal, Open Data Reference Model, DataMap Publisher, and ADE Provisioning (Analytics and Development Environment Provisioning) by connecting the defined function blocks. We confirm that each function works correctly through the SODAS Web portal and apply SODAS to actual data distribution sites to prove its efficiency and practical use. SODAS is the first open data platform that provides secure interoperability between heterogeneous platforms based on international standards and enables domain-free data management with flexible metadata.
KSP 제안 키워드
Big Data, Data Distribution, Data Management, Data as a Service, Data sharing, Development environment, Four components, Free Data, Heterogeneous platforms, International standard, Its efficiency