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학술대회 End-to-end Multi-task Learning of Missing Value Imputation and Forecasting in Time-Series Data
Cited 7 time in scopus Download 7 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
김진희, 김태성, 최장호, 주재걸
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2020, pp.8849-8856
20HB1700, 직독식 수질복합센서 및 초분광영상 기반 시공간 복합 인공지능 녹조 예측 기술, 권용환
Multivariate time-series prediction is a common task, but it often becomes challenging due to missing data caused by unreliable sensors and other issues. In fact, inaccurate imputation of missing values can degrade the downstream prediction performance, so it may be better not to rely on the estimated values of missing data. Furthermore, observed data may contain noise, so denoising them can be helpful for the main task at hand. In response, we propose a novel approach that can automatically utilize the optimal combination of the observed and the estimated values to generate not only complete, but also noise-reduced data by our own gating mechanism. We evaluate our model on incomplete real-world time-series datasets and achieved state-of-the-art performance. Moreover, we present in-depth studies using a carefully designed, synthetic multivariate time-series dataset to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. The ablation studies and the experimental analysis of the proposed gating mechanism show that it works as an effective denoising and imputation method for time-series classification tasks.
KSP 제안 키워드
Art performance, End to End(E2E), Missing data, Missing value imputation, Multivariate time series, Novel approach, Observed data, Optimal combination, Proposed model, Real-world, Time Series Classification