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Conference Paper Security Use-cases for Countering Threats of CLA and UAV in 6G
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Kijung Bong, Jonghyun Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA) 2021, pp.10-15
Conference Paper
Project Code
21HR5600, Research on base technologies for 6G autonomous security by design to ensure constant security quality, Kim Jonghyun
Recently1, 6G mobile communication technology has been actively researched and faces issues about security and privacy. The various technologies and applications to be used in 6G will bring new security issues. Among the technologies, CLA and UAV have a ripple effect that can cause severe damage to the entire network. In particular, in case of the UAV base station, there are various security points such as devices, software and communications to be considered. In this paper, the security use-cases and threats scenarios of both CLA and UAV in 6G environment are described. Initially, the major threats that can occur in each environment are described through system architecture and communication process. Afterwards, the security use-cases are described in consideration of the threats and characteristics of each environment respectively. Finally, the attacks and security use-cases of each environment are depicted as the respective scenarios.
KSP Keywords
Communication process, Ripple effects, Security issues, System architecture, Technologies and applications, Use Cases, base station(BS), communication technologies, mobile communication, security and privacy