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학술대회 A Robot Control Approach Based on Multi-level Data Fusion
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강상승, 김재홍, 손주찬
International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2010, pp.1777-1780
10MC4200, 인간-로봇 상호작용 매개 기술 개발, 김재홍
As the digital convergence trend becomes common, much attention is being paid to a device provided with a gesture sensor. In this paper, we propose a system for recognizing user's gestures and controlling a robot based on multi-level data fusion. The system includes some function modules such as sensing of movements, recognition of hand gestures, mapping into particular gesture commands, and controlling robot actuators. It can be useful to get various information about the movements of users using a glove-type mediated interface device. The recognized gestures can be categorized into predefined information or mapped into particular symbolic features. That makes the various applications possible and helps us to control intuitively. ©ICROS.
KSP 제안 키워드
Control approach, Data fusion, Digital Convergence, Function module, Gesture sensor, Hand gestures, Interface device, Multi-level, Robot Control, Symbolic features, robot actuators