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학술대회 A study on the sleep quality analysis of single-person households based on life pattern data using ambient sensors
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이준기, 이상준, 박상준, 이병탁
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.1879-1881
22ZK1100, 호남권 지역산업 기반 ICT 융합기술 고도화 지원사업, 강현서
As the aging of society progresses, problems such as the death of loneliness are emerging as social problems. Also, for this reason, the workload of social workers is excessive. To solve this problem, we tried to develop a technique that can identify the health risk of elderly household members living alone. In this paper, ambient sensors that periodically collects 6 types of data excluding sensitive personal information is installed in each elderly household living alone, and based on the sensor data, the daily behavior pattern of the elderly is divided into four categories: sleeping, going out, eating, and others. And we present a method that can be used to evaluate the health status based on the quality of sleep by analyzing the sleep pattern of the elderly household.
KSP 제안 키워드
Ambient sensors, Health risks, Quality analysis, Quality of sleep, Sensitive personal information, Sleep quality, Social problems, behavior pattern, health status, sensor data