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Conference Paper Overview of Cloud-Based High Quality Media Production System
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Soonchoul Kim, Jae-young Lee, Hye-Ju Oh, Dong Joon Choi
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.800-802
Conference Paper
Project Code
22GH2200, Development of Cloud-IP Based High Quality Media Production, Kim Soon Choul
This paper presents an overview of cloud-based media production systems. For high quality live media production over the IP network infrastructure, an overall structure and technical components of a cloud & IP media production system are presented. The technical components of cloud-based media production system include an IP-based media gateway that is interoperable with different media data formats, a cloud system that contains a video switcher, a control and management module that can be manipulated over a remote site in real-time, and an automated production module. The overall system also includes an Internet media service gateway and a mobile media application for enhanced features of media production. When the presented cloud system is used for cooperative live production at remote locations, technical requirements and considerations are discussed as well.
KSP Keywords
Cloud system, Cloud-based, Different media, IP networks, IP-Based, Live Production, Media Data, Media applications, Media gateway, Media production, Media service