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Conference Paper Ka-Band GaN Power Amplifier MMICs using Source Inductor and Second Harmonic Termination
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Inkwon Ju, Dongpil Chang, Byoung-Sun Lee
Issue Date
Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT) 2022, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
This paper describes design and measured results of two Ka-band high power monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) amplifiers utilizing commercial 0.2 μm Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology. By adding the source inductor at the unit transistor, employing second harmonic termination at input and output of the HPA and selecting the 1:4 staging ratio, the MMICs exhibit high efficiency, high linearity and high output power density. The single-ended two-stage amplifier exhibits 7.9 W of output power, up to 35% power added efficiency (PAE) and 44 dBm of output third order intercept point (OIP3) at 29 GHz. The balanced amplifier can achieve up to 14.1 W of output power, up to 33% PAE and 47 dBm OIP3 at 28 GHz.
KSP Keywords
28 GHz, Balanced amplifier, GaN power amplifier, High output power, High power, Intercept point(IIP3), Microwave monolithic integrated circuits(MMIC), Output power density, Power added efficiency(PAE), Single-Ended, Two-stage amplifier