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학술대회 ZTA-based Federated Policy Control Paradigm for Enterprise Wireless Network Infrastructure
Cited 2 time in scopus Download 3 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
정부금, 유윤식, 김기원, 김병식, 이형규, 박혜숙
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2022, pp.1-5
22HR4600, 공공 업무·임무용 정보통신자원의 노출을 최소화하는 지능적 스텔스화 기술개발, 박혜숙
The increasing use of wireless devices comes with advances in Wi-Fi technology. Devices with a Wi-Fi interface use the wireless network for convenient connection. Wireless networks face a variety of security threats, such as mac spoofing, rogue twins, DDoS attack and sniffing. We propose a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) paradigm to supplement enterprise wireless network control and to enhance security. ZTA can protect enterprise network resources by authorizing only authenticated users and devices to access enterprise services. ZTA in this paper is implemented within Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) enterprise network environment and is named wireless-ZTA. After analyzing the implementation performance, it conducts a DDoS attack to prove a stealth enterprise service invisible to malicious adversaries. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed Wireless-ZTA, additional analysis such as a network blacken test that cannot be accessed except for authorized services was performed. This analysis leads to conclusions, along with insights into the future of ZTA in enterprise wireless networks.
KSP 제안 키워드
DDoS attacks, MAC spoofing, Network Control, Network resources, Policy control, Wi-Fi protected access, Wi-Fi technology, Wireless devices, Wireless network, enterprise network, implementation performance