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Conference Paper A Study on Hybrid Content Delivery using NTN and MBS in 5G Network
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Jeongyun Kim, Changki Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2022, pp.1359-1361
Conference Paper
Project Code
22HH8100, development of ultra-Reliable and low-latency 5G core network and TSN switch technologies, Changki Kim
5G networks are fundamentally a new radio access base, and their scope has recently been expanded to support satellite access as well as Multicasting and Broadcasting Service (MBS). The satellite access is also called Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN). As a representative service case, a method to reduce the cost of content delivery by combining a direct satellite link and an indirect satellite link through 5G core network has been discussed. This paper proposes the service model based on a hybrid content delivery method that combines 5G satellite access and local content servers in MBS environment. The proposed method has the characteristic of selectively applying delivery methods such as broadcasting, multicasting and unicasting according to the popularity of the content. Furthermore, satellite access is directly connected to a UE for content of the most popularity, not travelling through 5G core network. The proposal has achieved more reduction in network cost comparing to the previous our work.
KSP Keywords
5G Network, Core Network, Satellite link, Service Model, Terrestrial network, content delivery, hybrid content, model-based, multicasting and unicasting, network cost, radio access