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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 Caption Insertion Method for 3D Broadcasting Service
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정광희, 최성현, 김형석, 허남호, 김중규
3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON) 2010, pp.1-4
09MR4100, 차세대DTV핵심기술개발(표준화연계)-무안경개인형3D방송기술개발(계속), 김진웅
In this paper, we present a new caption insertion method for three-dimensional (3D) broadcasting service. Caption insertion technique for broadcasting service is very important because the caption emphasizes significant information during a broadcasting program and can help the hearing impairment people. In recent years, some caption insertion method has been proposed for 3D broadcasting called next generation broadcasting service. However, recently proposed caption insertion methods possess problems such as the visual discomfort during the disparity of 3D caption. To solve this problem, we propose a new caption insertion method by using histogram based K-means clustering based on depth image based rendering (DIBR). Through the proposed method, visual discomfort during the disparity of 3D caption can be relieved. Furthermore, proposed method provides selectivity of caption disparity for various user viewing environments by using clustering technique. Experimental results show the contents with the proposed 3D caption insertion method. © 2010 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Clustering Technique, Clustering-Based, Insertion method, Three dimensional(3D), depth-image-based rendering(DIBR), hearing impairment, k-Means Clustering, viewing environment, visual discomfort