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학술대회 Development of the Satellite Ground Control System for Multi-mission Geostationary Satellite COMS
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이병선, 정원찬, 이점훈, 이상욱, 황유라, 김인준, 이수전, 김태희, 정성균, 김재훈
SpaceOps 2010, pp.1-9
09MR1400, 통신해양기상위성 위성통신시스템기술개발, 이성팔
A multi-mission GEO satellite, COMS has three payloads including Ka-band communications, GOCI, and MI. COMS SGCS is the only system for monitor and control of the satellite in orbit. In order to fulfill the mission operations of the three payloads and spacecraft bus, COMS SGCS performs the following functions such as reception and processing of telemetry data via S-band link, planning and transmission of telecommand, tracking and ranging of the satellite, control and monitoring of SGCS equipment, analysis and simulation of the satellite, processing and analysis of flight dynamics data, and mission scheduling and reporting. By the proper functional allocations, COMS SGCS is divided into five subsystems such as TTC, ROS, MPS, FDS, and CSS. COMS SGCS is linked with MSC, KOSC, and IDACS for satellite related data exchange. The software in the COMS SGCS is designed using the object-oriented methodology and implemented using Microsoft C#.NET environment on Intel microprocessor based computers. The hardware in the COMS SGCS includes 13-m S-band mono-pulse Cassegrain antenna and RF/BB equipment. In this paper, development of the COMS SGCS is described with respect to system functional allocations, software and hardware design, system implementation, and system test. © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
KSP 제안 키워드
Analysis and simulation, Cassegrain antenna, Data exchange, GEO satellite, Geostationary satellite, Ground Control System, Ka-band communications, Mission scheduling, Monitor and Control, Multi-mission, Object-oriented methodology