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Conference Paper Terahertz Multispectral Sub-Wavelength Tomography using a Solid-Immersion Lens
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Da-Hye Choi, Mugeon Kim, Dong Woo Park, Eui Su Lee, Il-Min Lee
Issue Date
International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2023, pp.1-2
Conference Paper
We demonstrate a multispectral sub-wavelength 3D THz imaging system by combining a solid-immersion lens (SIL) with a typical THz time-domain spectrometer (TDS). The imaging resolution of the system is enhanced in a wide spectral range (from 0.3 to 2.0 THz) with the aid of the SIL. Experimentally achieved imaging resolution enhancement results are consistent with the numerical simulation results. To highlight the multispectral subwavelength THz imaging capability, the spectral response of the WR1.9 waveguide near the cutoff frequency, inaccessible with a conventional THz-TDS-based imaging system, is obtained. In addition, we construct the multispectral sub-wavelength 3D images using the system by selecting the appropriate measurement time window of the temporal THz signal. 3D images of a credit card show the sub-wavelength details of the card, including an IC chip, invisible due to the plastic cover. The experimental results demonstrate the capability of the imaging system in non-contact, non-destructive testing of objects with the sub-wavelength scale structures.
KSP Keywords
3D Image, Credit Card, IC chip, Imaging capability, Imaging resolution, Non-contact, Nondestructive testing, Numerical simulations, Spectral Response, Spectral range, THz imaging system